Walking in Wellness Read More

My clients and I work together to choose foods that they enjoy and are best for their body.

As a wellness coach I provide nutritional information that will help to strengthen immune systems and support overall health by eating real, fresh, whole foods.

For many, when we hear the word, “diet”, we think of being deprived and limiting the foods we are able to eat, restricting ourselves from enjoying food. Diets make food our enemy, but God created food to be enjoyed and celebrated! Christ came to set us free, and it is important for us to feel freedom in the foods we eat.

I help my clients think about the food choices they are making and why they are eating what they are eating, answering questions such as: Am I hungry? Am I full? What thoughts am I having as I choose the food I’m eating? How is this food going to make me feel? Is this the best choice for me right now?

My clients and I work together to choose foods that they enjoy and are best for their body. I provide nutritional information that will help to strengthen immune systems and support overall health by eating real, fresh, whole foods.

God created food to be enjoyed, but he also created each of us uniquely, so the best way to fuel our bodies looks different for each of us.
I also enjoy sharing some of my favorite recipes, along with meal
planning and prepping ideas as well. Together we decide what food is best to say yes to!

“Studies show that it’s in the experience of doing something new, partnered with an intense emotion, that our brains get changed.” If we want to make a change, we must move! I love to explore ideas on how to move our bodies in a way that is fun and works for each of us.

As we make decisions for our health, God wants us to invite Him in -Often we may not think about asking God to be a part of the choices we make when it comes to what we eat, when we eat, and how we move our bodies. BUT, when God is at the center of our health, He will help guide us throughout the day as we make powerful choices for our health. It was so powerful for me when one of my clients said, "I have been on so many diets, but bringing God along with me on this journey has made the difference. The spiritual aspect of your coaching has been a powerful game changer for me. I feel like God has been saying to me, 'I'm healing things inside of you that you didn't even know were there.' " I literally witnessed a transformation in him as his mind was renewed!

God has called me to walk alongside others, addressing the health of their hearts, minds and bodies, providing them with the tools necessary to help them live out the calling He has on their lives with as much energy and health that is available to them.

When we invite God to lead, guide, and strengthen us on our journey towards living a life of abundance, and when we decide to follow Jesus, He will lead us on the path of hope, healing and freedom, I am here to serve those who desire to walk in the abundant life we have access to as we live out our lives on purpose, for a purpose,

Walkin IN Wellnes..one step at a time... No turning back!

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